10th Commandment - Do Not Covet

Aug 4, 2024    Mark Larson

The 10th Commandment not to covet calls us to stay on the life giving course God has given. We are tempted to shift our focus, to covet something that won’t last. Joy comes as we trust Jesus in all our circumstances and celebrate following Him!

Group Life Questions:

1. How does the coveting dialogue begin in your mind.

2. What is it like to transition from coveting in your mind to taking something?

3. There is a list of things in verse 17 not to covet. Why do you think the word “anything” is added?

4. In your group discuss Psalm 51 that tells of David’s brokenness after his sin with Bathsheba.

5. Read the parable of the Rich Fool, Luke 13: 13-21. How do “Bigger barns” come in our lives today?