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Meals and the Mission

Nov 17, 2024    Pastor Adam Lewis

If Jesus mission and strategy was to eat meals with others, then could that be my mission, too? Today is a look at Jesus' mission through the practice of eating meals with others and our challenge is to make that a regular part of who we are as Christ followers. We are Practicing the way of Christ at the table and doing as Jesus did.  


1. How are you practicing the way of Christ in positive ways that is contributing to your spiritual growth? In other words, what is going well in your walk with Christ?

2. Visit one (or several) of the following meals in Luke's gospel and discuss as a group. Focus on who Jesus was eating with and the outcome of that meal they shared together.  

3. If possible, share communion together. Before partaking of communion, focus on a place that Jesus has taken authority in your life (Take), how your heart has been exposed by Jesus in community (Break), and how much the sharing of this journey means to you (Share). Use Luke 22:14-20 as a guide.