Honor Thy Father & Mother

Jun 30, 2024    Pastor Adam Lewis

Honoring our Father and Mother was a command given by God to the children of Israel, but it was also a promise to inherit the promised land. At the depth of this commandment is the call for strong households, strong families, which lead to strong societies. Education, nurturing, modeling, discipleship all happens first in the home. Today, we will look at ways that we can honor our father and mother while understanding how to strengthen our home.  

Group Life Questions:

1. What spoke to you most from the message today?

2. In what ways have you been able to honor your parents in your life and what was the benefit of that honoring?

3. Take a look at the first four commandments. What is the central theme of 1-4? Now take a look at 5-10. What is the central theme? Cross reference this to Mark 12:30-31.

4. Read Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and cross reference this to Luke 15:18-19. What do these two sets of verses teach us about God's love for us now? How are we honoring our heavenly father?  

5. End your time with prayer for one another, for our church, and for the community.