New to Church on the Hill? 

Here are three steps to get connected!


join us on sundays!

In- person services: 9AM & 10:45AM | The sanctuary

Livestream: 10:45AM

Latino service: 2PM | The Foundry


Welcome lunch!

Next Luncheon:  Sunday, June 22 at 12pm in Room 112!

If you're new to Church on the Hill or have recently started attending within the last 6 months or so, come join us for lunch on Sunday, June 22! This is a great opportunity for you to meet our pastors and for them to connect with you and get to know your story!

You'll spend an hour eating food, mingling with other new visitors and getting to know more about who we are as a church and how you can start digging deeper roots at Church on the Hill.

Click below to let us know you're coming! We would love to see you there!


find your community!


Attend one of our ministry events!  From worship nights and family events to opportunities to serve our community – there’s something for everyone. Click below to view our church calendar to see what's coming up!


We have a wide variety of groups, classes, and Bible studies you can join to grow in your faith and get connected in community. Click below to find out more.