We are so glad you chose to worship with us this morning!

Check below to see what is happening in the life of the church!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

"Releasing Your Past " |  Pastor Nicole Kearns

God is God and He remains the foundation of our becoming a disciple and for making disciples.  To become a disciple who makes disciples, we have to take the step of faith with Jesus and leave our past behind.  We can begin the journey to discipleship today by renewing our faith, releasing our past, and remembering who we are IN Christ.  


1.  Our semester theme is building a culture of Sabbath. What is God teaching you through your Sabbath?

2.  How would you describe “Grace”?

3.  Read Ephesians 2:8-10. How do you respond to God’s grace?

4.  What do you understand about God’s covenant with Israel?
5.  Read Ephesians 2:14-18. Do you have a seat at the table?

6.  Read Romans 8:9-11. As a disciple of Christ, the Spirit of Jesus dwells in you. How does this empower you?


01. fill out a prayer request card

Our Prayer Request Cards are found both at the Connect Wall in the foyer and in the back of the pews in the sanctuary. Write down your requests on these cards and place them in the grey metal boxes that we have on various walls throughout the foyer and sanctuary. Our teams will collect these and send them out to our prayer teams so that each and every request is prayed for.

02. submit a prayer request online

You don't have to wait for Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights to share your prayer requests! You can hop online at anytime and share your requests via email! Just click the button below, write out your request, and it will be sent to our prayer teams!

03. visit our prayer room on sunday mornings

Need some in-person prayer? Our Prayer Room is right across the hall from our sanctuary on the left hand side. Please feel free to step into this room at any point during our Sunday morning services, and a Prayer Team member will be there to prayer with and for you.
As part of our mission to develop and pour into spiritually healthy disciples, we have many opportunities for you to dive deeper into  your spiritual formation, your relationship with God and your community of fellow believers. Check below to see what opportunities we currently have for you!

You can drop your donations right at Hope on the Hill or you can drop them in the black wagon that is in our foyer (under the Missions Wall) on Sunday mornings!

We as a church want to help support those in our congregation with their spring cleaning projects on April 27! There are many who may not be able to tackle these projects and could really use the extra help.

join a serving team

No matter your interests, skills or availability, we have a place for you to  be the hands and feet of jesus to those around you.

We’re meant to do life together—to grow in community and become who God created us to be. One powerful way to build God’s Kingdom is by serving in your local church.  

When you participate in an event or serve in a ministry, you’ll naturally connect with others and build meaningful relationships. No matter your interests, skills, or availability, there’s a place for you here.  

Our Serve Team is made up of incredible people who have discovered their gifts and passions—and are using them to make a difference.  

Click the button below to explore Serve Team opportunities!


Need a coffee? Head downstairs to the Foundry and visit 1911 Coffee Company! Let our baristas brighten your morning with a warm smile and a fresh cup of Joe!