8th Commandment - Do Not Steal

Jul 14, 2024    Pastor Jony Bernal

"You shalt not steal" is one of the ten commandments that prevents us from damaging our relationship with God and with our neighbors by trusting that what God gives us is good and sufficient for us.

Group Life Questions:

1. What spoke to you most from the sermon today?

2. After listening to the sermon, can you think of a time when you stole intentionally or unintentionally? (maybe copying work ideas from a colleague, taking something from the office without permission, taking advantage of someone else's time, etc.)

3. After reading Exodus 20:15 and Psalms 37:23-25, what lessons do these two sets of verses teach us?

4. Are there some ways we can steal from God? What are those ways?

5. How can we improve our relationship with God and with our neighbors if we have realized that we have stolen from them in some way?