Going Back to Go Forward

Oct 1, 2023

What happens in one generation often repeats itself in the next. But God can transform your family pain with forgiveness and healing! There's so much to your story than what's happening on the surface of things. Under the iceberg of your life are the joys, griefs, losses, and dreams that God has uniquely planted in your heart. Today, we take a deep dive into our past, more specifically, our family dynamic, to discover how God can use the brokenness of our experiences and families to bring glory. Like only God can do, he can take what the enemy means for evil and turn it for good.  

Group Life Questions:

1. Open with Prayer for another. Have each person share one thing that they are seeking prayer and/or a praise from their prayer time the previous week.

2. What do you think of this statement: "Pain that is not transformed will be transferred."

3. Talk about your family dynamic growing up and the good things you learned and the no-so-good things you learned. How has that affected who you are today as a spouse, leader, friend, parent, & family member?

4. Read Genesis 50:15-21. What was done leading up to Joseph saying those things to his brothers and what is he doing to face the hurt that has been done to him?

5. What does it mean to be born again?