Facing Loss

Oct 8, 2023    Pastor Adam Lewis

Have we been able to face the losses in our lives? Maybe you find yourself stuck in the disorientation part of life and you are having trouble finding you way through all that life has thrown at you. Jesus offers the power to face our losses with courage and bravery and grow into a place where we find His goodness once again and move on in a healthy way. Today, we challenge you to face losses individually and we will face losses as a community. God leads the way and offers hope and comfort for our path forward!

Group Life Questions

1. Begin your time together by praying for one another. Each person share one thing that God has been speaking to them about during this week.

2. Quickly visit the moments when 'Jesus wept." John 11:35; Luke 19:41-44, Matthew 26: 36-46. Briefly talk about each one and what loss Jesus was facing.

3. Talk about your life in three stages listed by Walter Brueggemann; orientation, disorientation, and reorientation. Based on the definitions of each, what was life with Christ like in each one?

4. Are there individual losses that you have yet to face so that you can move on? Are there losses for us as a church that we need to face so that we can move on?

5. End your time by praying Psalm 8 in its entirety.