Knowing Ourselves that We May Know God

Sep 24, 2023    Pastor Josh Dees

Many of the great spiritual writers concluded in some way that we must know ourselves in order to know God. In today’s message, we look at Paul’s invitation “to put off your old self…and to put on the new self” as a way towards better knowing ourselves.  We’ll explore how shame is at the root of our old/false self and that we must learn how to disarm shame in order to walk in the knowledge and freedom of our new/true self in Christ. 

Group Life Questions:

1. “It’s impossible to be spiritually mature and emotionally immature.” How does that quote sit with you? 

2. "Emotional health has to do with becoming aware of and responding to our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, in a way that is lifegiving for ourselves and for others.” "Contemplative spirituality is about slowing down and being known by God and others." Why do we need both in order to pursue spiritual health and maturity? 

3. Read Ephesians 4:22-24. What does it mean for you “to put off your old self…and to put on your new self? 

4. Consider how shame plays a role in the making of our old or false selves. How do you understand shame? What happens when you feel shame in your life? 

5. In order to disarm shame in our lives, we must face it and name it. What shame do you need to face and name in your life?