Agape Love

Feb 11, 2024    Pastor Isaac Kearns

Today, we seek to understand what agape love is and the gravity in how much the Creator loves His creation. We will look at several passages that highlight the depths of God’s agape love for us, and then examine how we are meant to respond to such a love. What are we to do with God’s agape love? We will also answer the question about HOW we reciprocate God’s agape love, which we will further develop in the following weeks.


Group Questions:


1. How many different expressions of love can you recall from the sermon, or can you look up on your own? Remember, the English language is limited!

2. How does being created in the image of God give us the ability to love?

3. What are the strongest expressions of love that you have experienced in your life? Do they align with agape love?

4. What are some characteristics of agape love?

5.Have you ever extended your love in vulnerability toward someone else and have it met with negativity? Or reciprocated positively? What feelings did either scenario bring out in you?

6. Agape love is mentioned 106 times in the New Testament. What is your favorite new Testament verse that talks about God’s agape love?