Eros Love Through Agape Love

Feb 18, 2024    Pastor Nicole Kearns, Pastor Isaac Kearns

A healthy marriage requires spiritually healthy individuals. We will talk about what a healthy marriage needs, and how to view eros love through an agape lens. Together we learn that the key to a healthy marriage is in Christ alone. 

Group Questions:

1. How do you care for your relationship with God? Is it surface level? Or deeper?

2. What spiritual disciplines are you interested in learning more about?

3. What is your view of man and woman?

4.How is your paradigm changing?

5. What are some ways you can speak words of life into your relationships?

6. What does mutual submission look like in your relationships? How have you experienced this?

Challenge: Ask God to help you see your spouse through His eyes and love them through an agape lens.