Phileo Love = Community

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Nicole Kearns

We as Americans face a big problem today- loneliness. Today we will talk about one of the ways we as Christ followers can tackle loneliness through the extension of phileo love. 

Group Questions 

1. In what ways have you experienced phileo love? 

2. Have you experienced loneliness? How were you able to come out of it?

3. What part of John 15:12-17 stands out to you?

4. How can you help others experience phileo love within the church? How about outside of the church, to someone who does not YET believe in Christ?

5. Read Colossians 3:12-17. How are you living this out? 

6. Where do you need to offer forgiveness to one of your brothers or sisters in Christ? Or, where do you need to ask for forgiveness?

Challenge: Allow God to use you. Find a moment where you can extend phileo love to someone who seems to be alone.