Live Like Jesus
Suggested act of kindness for this month:
Adopt some local businesses and write them note cards with a prayer. Include an email contact for them to reach out to you if they have and prayer requests.
Adopt some local businesses and write them note cards with a prayer. Include an email contact for them to reach out to you if they have and prayer requests.
Donation + Support
Suggested donation and support opportunity for this month:
This month we are supporting Beyond Backpacks, who supply backpacks, school supplies, and other necessities to help kids start school equipped and with confidence!
This month we are supporting Beyond Backpacks, who supply backpacks, school supplies, and other necessities to help kids start school equipped and with confidence!
Community Support
This month we are encouraging you to get out support kids across town who participate in Lemonade Day. You will find booths all over the city - speak WORDS OF LIFE, tip generously, and make these kids feel like they have purpose and gifting!
hope on the hill
Hope on the Hill provides families and individuals with wholesome food, clothing, and personal care items to tide them over during times of emergency. We are fighting hunger in our community, providing healing to families, and igniting hope within.
clothing closet
Volunteers help sort, fold and hang donated clothing items.
food pantry
Volunteers help unload the truck with donated food items and restock shelves. They also help prepare food boxes and deliver them to the clients' cars.
hope on the hill hours
Tuesday: 11am-1pm
Thursday: 6pm-8pm
Thursday: 6pm-8pm

children's ministry team
Invest in the lives of our youngest guests. Our team helps introduce children to God through singing songs, reading stories from God's Word, and intentional faith-filled play.
*Background check required
*Background check required
Infant - Pre-K:
Invest in the lives of our youngest guests. Our team helps introduce children who are infants to Pre-K age to God through singing songs, reading stories from God's Word, and intentional faith-filled play.
K- 5th Grade:
Our team is driven by giving children Kindergarten through 5th grade the opportunity to discover and develop a passion for God through Bible teaching, worship, Small Groups, prayer, and games.
Invest in the lives of our youngest guests. Our team helps introduce children who are infants to Pre-K age to God through singing songs, reading stories from God's Word, and intentional faith-filled play.
K- 5th Grade:
Our team is driven by giving children Kindergarten through 5th grade the opportunity to discover and develop a passion for God through Bible teaching, worship, Small Groups, prayer, and games.
Kingdom kids - Wednesdays
Every Wednesday night during the school year, kids are welcome to come and worship Jesus, play in Scotty’s Playhouse, discover more about God’s Word, and build relationships with one another in small groups. Kingdom Kids is for ages Infant-5th grade.

scotty' playhouse team
Help outreach to our community by facilitating open play times. Our team acts as hosts and ambassadors for the 3,000 square foot playhouse that also contains an indoor play structure, video game floor, air hockey, tot lot for younger kids, and a café seating area for adults. This is an amazing way to serve the families in our community throughout the week.
*Background check required
*Background check required

Discovery zone team
DZ is a place where children can thrive and families can be supported. We believe that every child is unique and has the ability to live a life of purpose. Our goal is to help them discover that purpose, be confident in it, and learn how to express themselves and the world around them through that lens. Volunteers help in a variety of ways by assisting teachers, holding babies, and being a helpful, reassuring presence for the children.
*Background check required
*Background check required

highpoint YOUTH ministry team
Are you an adult who comprehends the pressures and challenges of young people today? Are you a student who wants to serve your peers? Then check out our Student Ministry Teams! Our team helps middle school (Wednesday) and high school (Sunday) students get connected through games, Bible teaching, worship and small groups.
*Background check required
*Background check required
kingdom minded young adult ministry
Are you passionate about investing in our young adults (ages 18-30)? Would you be interested in mentorship, teaching, etc.?

discipleship ministries
Groups and classes
Serve as a group leader, group host and/or teacher of a class.
Women's ministry
Assist leaders in events (e.g. set up, food prep, clean up).
men's ministry
Assist leaders in events (e.g. set up, food prep, clean up).
marriage mentoring
After training in SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts), mentors help engaged couples prepare for a successful marriage, as well as assist struggling couples in redeeming and restoring their marriage.
latino ministry
If you love to take photos/capture videos then this team is for you! Pictures can help capture memories as well as display what is going on in the church to those visiting a social media site or googling your church.
As an extension of our Safety Team, our security volunteers help maintain a safe environment for those attending our Latino services.
Our Latino Ministry greeters help create a friendly, welcoming atmosphere for our multi-generational Latino community.

arts & worship teams
We are looking for those who have an interest in film, music, design and more. There are multiple opportunities inside of this team so touch base with us and we will get you plugged in!
music team
Serving through artistic expression is a unique gift and we're looking to expand our teams. Our team serves with the goal of providing a powerful, on-stage worship experience through utilizing the skills of vocalists and instrumentalists.
production team
Through the use of lighting, video technology, and audio our team helps facilitate a powerful, distraction-free worship experience that grows our connection to our Lord and Savior.
online streaming team
Our Online Streaming Team helps connect those who are unable to join us in person by creating an online experience of worship and service that matches the one witnessed in person.
prayer team
Prayer partners receive emails with prayer requests sent from congregation members and provide continuing prayer support for those expressing needs.
baptism team
Assist in preparation for baptism by helping baptism candidates and their families before, during, and after being baptized.
communion team
Our Communion Teams helps hand out the sacraments to guests for Sunday services.
child dedication team
Assist in child dedication by helping Pastor with preparations and other needs on the day of the dedication (e.g. welcoming and seating visiting family members, etc.)

communications team
If you love to take photos/capture videos then this team is for you! Pictures can help capture memories as well as display what is going on in the church to those visiting a social media site or googling your church.
graphic design/social media
If you have a creative mind that loves to design things and bring ideas to life, we could use your help with social media content and graphic design!

Welcome team
Our greeters are responsible for creating a friendly, welcome atmosphere to all those entering Church on the Hill and sending them with blessing as they exit.
Ushers assist guests to their seats, settle the Sanctuary, and strive to maintain a
distraction-free service.
distraction-free service.
section hosts
Section Hosts greet and interact with guests in their assigned section within the sanctuary.
WElcome center team
Our Welcome Center Team assist by providing information about events, getting connected with ministries, and guiding guests throughout the facility.

safety team
Our team stands watch during services to ensure the safest possible environment. They respond as needed during emergencies to aid and direct our church community in the appropriate processes to maintain safety.
*Background check required
*Background check required

facilities team
Do you get energized when things are clean and organized? Our campus is in operation every day, each week, and the opportunities to serve are endless! Help us keep our campus looking it's best.

administration/office team
Throughout the week when church service is not occurring the church 's office has open office hours. You may be able to volunteer at the front desk, answering phone calls and helping with our schedule. This is ideal if volunteering on Sunday is not a good day for you.

1911 coffee shop team
If you enjoy bringing a smile to people’s faces, making coffee and meeting new people, our 1911 Coffee Shop is a great place to serve.

transportation team
Not everyone has the ability to drive to our church for Sunday morning services and participate in our worship in person. Thankfully, we have an awesome team that drives out these individuals and picks them up so they can participate along with the rest of us and experience true church community.

hospitality team
Participants serve the practical needs of our congregation and community in times of need (e.g. assisting with food at funerals).

As a local group representing Nazarene Missions International, the NMI Committee provides resources for their church involving mission education and inspiration, prayer mobilization, fundraising, and hand-on world missions involvement.