Plank and Speck

Sep 8, 2024    Pastor Adam Lewis

Nothing makes us feel smarter, more "spiritual," or better than to pass judgment on someone. We focus on the speck in another person's eye while we look right past the plank in our own eye.

This weekend will be a challenge to have the Lord search our hearts, remind us of the grace given to us, and to view others through the eyes of Jesus.

Group Life Questions:

1. What stuck out most about the message from Sunday?

2. Where do you struggle the most in judging others? Does judging others bless you in the long run? What about those that you are judging?

3. Read Matthew 7:1-6. In what way will we be judged? How did Jesus illustrate the foolishness of the way we find fault in others?

4. Why is it necessary to deal with one's sins first? What perspective does that give you in how you view others?

5. End your time by talking about how your life in the disciplines is going currently and what discipline you would like to spend more time with. (I.e., prayer, fasting, sabbath, community, generosity, Scripture)