A Life of “Yes”

Dave Anderson

Every disciple of Jesus can’t help but live a life of yes to the One who saved them, which may take them here, there, and everywhere so to speak. The initial "yes" is always the hardest because we may have never experienced God's care and provision due to the fact that we have always found our security in what we could accomplish or accumulate. After the initial yes, the subsequent "yes's" become a little easier because as we say yes our faith and trust in God continues to grow. The reality is that, as we live a life of yes, God will ask us to move to another place, to another job, to another friend group, etc. so that God can use us in that situation to expand God’s kingdom, and we will be forced to wrestle with whether to say yes again to the One who saved us as we fight off feelings of comfort and fear. So, who wants to live a life of yes to God no matter what?
Mark 10:17-22; John 3:1-5; Matthew 4:19, 28:18-20
