Gathering & Scattering

May 19, 2024    Pastor Adam Lewis

If it were only us in an open space with the anointing of Jesus and the charge to change the world, where would we begin? This was a picture of the early church. As we conclude our series on Practicing the Way of Christ, we will dive into what it means to Gather and then scatter like the church did in Acts 8. Our community needs more of us to carry the light of Jesus to them. God is just getting started!

Group Life Questions

1. If it were just your group in an open space with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the charge to go change the world, where would you begin?

2. Read Acts 8:1-3. What was the persecution they were facing and how did God use that to help take the message to other places?  

3. What is the purpose of our gathering on Sunday mornings? Make a list and discuss.

4. Questions to end your time together: How often do we pray in our gathering time for opportunities in our scattering? Am I a multiplier for Christ? If so, how? What can I do to bring heaven to earth in my Jerusalem?  

5. End your time in prayer for one another and for more opportunities to share Jesus with others.